Torches needed a redesign as the bright red background from the previous torches proved to easy to detech in some one else's hand if they tipped their cards even a little bit. While I was at it I decided to see if there was a better way to lay out the card in general. There are 3 basic goals in the torch layout that need to be represented in the cards:
- Torches count as open space. You can only cut a card out of your opponent's hydra if there are 2 or more open sides adjacent to the card. In the examples below the neck card with no heads to the upper right of the torch card is still vulnerable to sword attacks.
- Torches can only be played at the end of one or more stumps, but they may also be played along side other cards. In the examples below the torch is adjacent to the stump to it's top right and bottom left. The card to it's top left does not have a stump going into the torch and this is fine.
- Other cards can not be played off of torches. In the examples below you could not play a new hydra card to the bottom left of the torch.
I've mocked up 9 different designs with various ideas. The only problem is, I can't decide which one I like the best. Which ones are your favorites? Feel free to mix and match or come up with new ideas as well. Let us know on Facebook or shoot us an email!
3. Card Burned Dark With Unburned Border
4. Purple Smoke Coming From Stumps
5. Gray Smoke Coming From Stumps
6. Smoke Joining Torch Flame To Stumps